Virginia thrives with low COVID case counts, growing economy, and schools reopening safely.
Virginia surges ahead of other states in COVID recovery. Virginia has about 10% more of its population vaccinated compared to surrounding Southern states. And it is seeing just 41 cases per 100,000 people, whereas neighboring states more than double that.
With community masking, paid sick leave, and vaccination, Virginia is avoiding major outbreaks and navigating back towards normal—in which every Virginian can work and study.
Terry McAullife, candidate for governor, plans on continuing offering these options to Virginians, and expanding them to include free rapid tests, giving Virginians more options to stay safe.
Virginia is prioritizing schools and making every effort to keep them open for in-person classes to students. That’s why all students in Virginia schools are wearing masks.
Because of this, Virginia’s COVID cases in children are much lower compared to neighboring states who do not require masks in schools. Children make up 18% of Virginia’s COVID cases, whereas they make up 36% of cases in Tennessee and 33% in Kentucky, forcing many districts to temporarily halt in-person learning. Virginia’s rate of childhood infection is also well below the national average of 26.8%.
By getting students back in the classroom—especially pre-k and elementary school age, school workers have also gotten their jobs back and many parents have been able to return to the workforce. And children from poorer families are guaranteed two full meals each day so that no child goes hungry.
Virginia acted quickly to rescue American businesses during the pandemic, investing $120 million to save over 3,000 small Virginia businesses. By rescuing the backbone of Virginia’s economy, Virginia has poised itself for complete economic recovery and even growth.
Virginia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is below the national rate at 4.2%.
While many other states continue to struggle rebuilding their tourism industry, Virginia is seeing great strides. Leisure and hospitality is up 46,000 new jobs for a net gain of +15.5%.
Most other industries are also seeing significant job growth compared to last year. Business Services are up 30,000 jobs. Trade and transportation saw 27,300 new jobs. And education and health services increased by 15,300 jobs.
To maintain continued job growth and decrease the number of Virginians on unemployment, Terry McAuliffe will provide childcare to working moms and dads and paid sick-leave, ensuring that they both go to work and don’t spread diseases like COVID-19 while they are there. By taking these steps, Virginia businesses can continue operating without restrictions.
Glenn Youngkin, gubernatorial candidate, stops short of taking direct action to keep Virginia open and safe. He has proposed cutting tax on PPP loans, which Virginia already does under Governor Ralph Northam’s administration, up to $100,000.